# $NetBSD: directive-misspellings.mk,v 1.4 2023/06/01 20:56:35 rillig Exp $ # # Tests for misspelled directives. # # Before 2020-12-12, make didn't catch most of these misspellings. For # example, the directive ".exporting" was interpreted as if it were spelled # ".export ing", which would export the variable named "ing" if that existed. # Another misspelling, as improbable as the others, was that both ".infos" and # ".information" were aliases to ".info" since the code for these diagnostic # directives just skipped any letters following the "error", "warn" or "info". # expect+1: Unknown directive "dinclud" .dinclud "file" .dinclude "file" # expect+1: Unknown directive "dincludx" .dincludx "file" # expect+1: .include filename must be delimited by '"' or '<' .dincludes "file" # XXX: the 's' is not meant to be a filename # expect+1: Unknown directive "erro" .erro msg # expect+1: Unknown directive "errox" .errox msg # no .error since that would exit immediately # no .errors since that would exit immediately, even with the typo # expect+1: Unknown directive "expor" .expor varname .export varname # expect+1: Unknown directive "exporx" .exporx varname # expect+1: Unknown directive "exports" .exports varname # Accepted before 2020-12-13 01:07:54. # expect+1: Unknown directive "export-en" .export-en # Accepted before 2020-12-13 01:07:54. .export-env .export-env extra argument # XXX: undetected extra argument # expect+1: Unknown directive "export-environment" .export-environment # Accepted before 2020-12-13 01:07:54. # expect+1: Unknown directive "export-litera" .export-litera varname # Accepted before 2020-12-13 01:07:54. .export-literal varname # expect+1: Unknown directive "export-literax" .export-literax varname # Accepted before 2020-12-13 01:07:54. # expect+1: Unknown directive "export-literally" .export-literally varname # Accepted before 2020-12-13 01:07:54. # expect+1: Unknown directive "-includ" .-includ "file" .-include "file" # expect+1: Unknown directive "-includx" .-includx "file" # expect+1: .include filename must be delimited by '"' or '<' .-includes "file" # XXX: the 's' is not meant to be a filename # expect+1: Unknown directive "includ" .includ "file" # expect+1: Could not find file .include "file" # expect+1: Unknown directive "includx" .includx "file" # expect+1: .include filename must be delimited by '"' or '<' .includex "file" # XXX: the 's' is not meant to be a filename # expect+1: Unknown directive "inf" .inf msg # expect+1: msg .info msg # expect+1: Unknown directive "infx" .infx msg # expect+1: Unknown directive "infos" .infos msg # Accepted before 2020-12-13 01:07:54. # expect+1: Unknown directive "sinclud" .sinclud "file" .sinclude "file" # expect+1: Unknown directive "sincludx" .sincludx "file" # expect+1: .include filename must be delimited by '"' or '<' .sincludes "file" # XXX: the 's' is not meant to be a filename # expect+1: Unknown directive "unde" .unde varname .undef varname # expect+1: Unknown directive "undex" .undex varname # expect+1: Unknown directive "undefs" .undefs varname # Accepted before 2020-12-13 01:07:54. # expect+1: Unknown directive "unexpor" .unexpor varname .unexport varname # expect+1: Unknown directive "unexporx" .unexporx varname # expect+1: Unknown directive "unexports" .unexports varname # Accepted before 2020-12-12 18:00:18. # expect+1: Unknown directive "unexport-en" .unexport-en # Accepted before 2020-12-12 18:11:42. .unexport-env # expect+1: The directive .unexport-env does not take arguments .unexport-env extra argument # Accepted before 2020-12-12 18:00:18. # expect+1: Unknown directive "unexport-enx" .unexport-enx # Accepted before 2020-12-12 18:00:18. # expect+1: Unknown directive "unexport-envs" .unexport-envs # Accepted before 2020-12-12 18:00:18. # expect+1: Unknown directive "warn" .warn msg # expect+1: Unknown directive "warnin" .warnin msg # expect+1: warning: msg .warning msg # expect+1: Unknown directive "warninx" .warninx msg # expect+1: Unknown directive "warnings" .warnings msg # Accepted before 2020-12-13 01:07:54.