# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.1 2020/03/21 14:24:12 tsutsui Exp $ LIVEIMGBASE= NetBSD-${DISTRIBVER}-zaurus-live # gives ${IMGBASE}.img .include LIVEIMAGEMB?= 900 # for "1GB" SD due to Zaurus Linux restriction SWAPMB?= 64 FATMB?= 32 USE_MBR= yes MBRFAT= 6 # 16-bit FAT, more than 32M # Omit comp etc. due to size restriction KERN_SET= kern-GENERIC SETS= base modules etc misc rescue text xbase xetc xfont xserver # prepare SL-C700 kernel as an independent name prepare_md_post: echo Extracting kern-C700.${TAR_SUFF} ... ${TOOL_PAX} ${PAX_TIMESTAMP} -rn \ --use-compress-program=${COMPRESS_PROGRAM:Q} \ -f ${SETS_DIR}/kern-C700.${TAR_SUFF} . mv netbsd netbsd.c700 CLEANFILES+= netbsd.c700 IMGFILE_EXTRA= \ ${.OBJDIR}/netbsd.c700 . DISKPROTO_IN= ${.CURDIR}/../../common/bootimage/diskproto.mbrfat.in FSTAB_IN= ${.CURDIR}/fstab.in SPEC_EXTRA= ${.CURDIR}/spec.in FATFILES= ${WORKDIR}/usr/mdec/zbsdmod.o ${WORKDIR}/usr/mdec/zboot FATFILES+= ${WORKDIR}/netbsd FATFILES+= ${WORKDIR}/netbsd.c700 .include "${.CURDIR}/../../common/bootimage/Makefile.liveimage"